
Flower – Pink Dandelion


Type: Edible and Ornamental Flower

Taraxacum pseudoroseum

Seeds per package: about 40

Availability: In stock

This pink dandelion is very fun to grow. The flowers have beautiful light pink petals with a yellow centre.

Pink dandelions are from Central Asia and do not spread as easily as their yellow counterparts. The clumps of pink dandelion in our yard have not expanded much over the years, although we keep hoping!

All parts of the pink dandelion are edible — the pink flowers, the leaves and roots. It is a perennial plant (Zone 3 and above), so after you grow it the first year it will come back year after year.

How to Plant: Your friends will laugh at you when you tell you are planting dandelions! But tell them they are pink and oh so pretty. These are dandelions — so they are easy to grow and don’t need coddling — but the seeds are small so you might want to start them indoors. Germination can take up to 2 weeks. Dandelion seeds need light to germinate, so direct sow the seeds on top of soil and press the seeds in lightly. Keep moist until germination. If starting indoors, sow a few seeds in a small container and then when the seeds are up, place in a sunny spot. Transfer plants outside late May. Space plants about 6″ apart outside. If you start outdoors, in late May sprinkle seeds on the soil surface, press in, and keep moist until seeds are up.


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