
Flower – Red Pansy


Viola x wittrockiana

Type: Ornamental and edible flower. Cottage garden favourite. Container Friendly.

30-40 seeds

Availability: In stock

Here we present the glorious Red Pansy, Viola x wittorckiana ‘Clear Crystals Scarlet’.

This Red Pansy is a deep dark bold red flower. It is perfect for cottage gardens and containers. In case you are wondering, it differs from the ‘Swiss Giant’ series of pansies  – which are also big, bold and beautiful – in that it does not have a dark ‘blotch’ in the centre. We haven’t been able to find out too much information about the ‘Clear Crystals’ series, but did find an early reference to it in the 1959 Geo. W. Park Seed Catalogue where it is described as:

“Gay and sunny in appearance. Early flowering. Weatherproof. Crystal clear self colors, and the absence of blotches distinguish this lovely strain which provides an entirely different effect.”

Red Pansies are not only beautiful ornamental flowers, but they are edible flowers packed full of antioxidants.

A bit of information about the antioxidants found in Red Pansies (or skip down to How to Plant):

In a recent paper (2023) titled, ‘Flower Colour and Antioxidant Activity of Violas (Viola x wittrockiana) as Edible Flowers’ the authors explain how (1) flowers are a source  of antioxidants and (2) how Red Pansies in particular have high concentrations of phytonutrients. They write:

“Natural antioxidants are present in all parts of plants, however, flowers contain the highest concentrations of these compounds.”

“Edible flowers are rich sources of nutritional and phytochemical compounds. The representative phytochemicals found in edible flowers include phenolics, carotenoids, and flavonoids, including anthocyanins which are well-known for their health benefits. These compounds have been associated with the prevention of chronic degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, cognitive decline, and cardiovascular disease, as well as the prevention of various cancers by inhibiting their initiation and progression via regulation of genes related to these processes.”

They go on to say that the “consumption of a small amount of edible flowers may improve health.”

In the same paper, the authors analyzed the antioxidant activity of differently coloured Viola x wittrockiana pansies (white, red, dark red, orange, yellow, light blue, light purple and dark purple). They found that red, dark red and dark purple pansies had the highest concentrations of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), total anthocyanin and total polyphenols. The authors conclude that:

“Red, dark red, and dark purple flowers [pansies] … represent rich sources of antioxidant components and their consumption may provide various health benefits.”

This is very good news to hear if you are a gardener. It means planting a few Red Pansies around the house could be a great way to add antioxidants to your diet. That’s our plan!  

Check out our story, “Edible Ornamental Flowers and Antioxidants” in the magazine, Canada’s Local Gardener (Summer 2024). You can read the digital version HERE.

Learning how to grow violas from seed is a wonderful skill to have — and the reward is being surrounded by violas all summer! Many violas are perennials, so once you plant them they will stick around for a few years. And even if they are not perennials, many will reseed themselves and stick around that way. And despite their delicate looking appearance, they are very hardy and almost need no care.

How to Plant: (1) Outdoors: You can sow seeds directly outdoors in early spring. Press seeds into the soil, cover lightly with soil and keep moist. It helps to put a light cover (see below) over the germinating seeds. The viola seeds will know what to do!

(2) Indoors: If you want to get a jump on the season you can plant seeds indoors. Ease of Germination: Moderate. Here is how we start violas indoors:

1. We start violas indoors 4-8 weeks before the last frost. We use 6 cell seed starting trays (each cell is about 2.5″ x 3″) and fill each with seed starting soil. We moisten the soil before we put it in the cells — simply by putting it in a bowl and pouring in water until we get a ‘moist’ (not dripping wet) soil.

2. Press seeds into the soil and cover lightly with soil. We put 2-3 seeds per cell.

3. We cover the cells with newspaper, black plastic or aluminum foil. In general, viola seeds need darkness to germinate. 

4. Keep soil moist while seeds are germinating. Viola seeds usually germinate in 1-2 weeks.

5. No need for a heat mat. Viola seeds do best germinating in cooler soil.

6. Once violas are up (or most of them), remove covering and place in a sunny window or under lights.

Feel free to email us if you have questions.


Location: Sun, Partial sun — viola does best in a semi-shady spot.

Life cycle: Annual (in our zone 4 garden)

Usable Parts: Flowers, Leaves (dried, fresh)

Uses: Tea, Salad, Tincture

Height: 3 to 4 inches

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