Flower – Mugwort


Artemisia vulgaris

Type: Edible and Ornamental. Silvery, feathery leaves. Container Friendly.

Approx. 100 seeds

Availability: In stock

Let’s start by decoding Mugwort’s name: Mug (as in a cup of tea) + Wort (as in herb) = A mug of herbs.

Mugwort is an eye-catching semi-shrubby plant (3-4 feet) with excellent aroma. Run your hands along its leaves and stalks and you will see what we mean–woodsy, earthy and spicy–which is also what the tea tastes like. It has beautiful feathery leaves with silvery undersides. It looks stunning in the garden or in a container.

Mugwort’s latin name (Artemisia) is likely named after the Greek Goddess, Artemis. Goddess of the moon, childbirth, wild animals, and the hunt. This reference to the moon hints at mugwort’s connection to sleep and dreams. In folklore, mugwort is said to help dreamers remember their dreams. A teaspoon of dried herb in a cup of tea is a soothing way to end the day. 

How to Plant: Ease of Germination: Easy. It is probably best to start mugwort indoors because of its very tiny seeds. Sow seeds just below the soil surface 4 weeks before the last frost. A Turkish study (The influence of temperature and light on seed germination of mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L.), found that mugwort seeds are sensitive to temperature, but not light. The highest germination percentages were achieved at temperatures ranging from 15 to 30 °C. This means a heat mat is useful for germination, but if you don’t have one, just starting them indoors is fine. Transplant outside after the risk of frost has passed.

How to Harvest: Harvest leaves when the flowers are just beginning to bud. Harvest the stalks (with leaves, flowers, buds) by cutting the stalks a few inches above the ground. If you don’t want Mugwort to be a perennial, just plant it in a large container for the summer (or pull it up at the end of the summer). Dry the plant by hanging the stalks. When dried, run your hands along the stalks to remove leaves and use for tea.

Location: Sun, Partial sun

Life cycle: Perennial (Zone 4 and Up) or Grow as an Annual

Usable Parts: Leaves (dried, fresh)

Uses: Tea 

Height: 3 to 4 feet

Photo caption: Statue of Goddess Artemisia. Photo credit: By Commonists – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=99819999

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