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Tomato – Blue Fruit


Type: Beefsteak – Large Fruit. Potato leaf. Container Friendly. Early. Estonia

20 seeds (or more)

Availability: In stock

Blue Fruit is an outstanding tomato. It has a very good sweet-spicy, complex taste. And such large fruits (150g-250g) for a small, compact plant.

Despite its name, Blue Fruit is more brown-pink-gray than blue. It is only about 18 inches tall (a great container variety) with beautiful potato leaves. Blue Fruit is easy to take care of and one of the earliest tomatoes in our garden. It was first offered in the Seed Savers Exchange in 1996 by Ake Truedsson of Klagshamn, Sweden, who noted it came from Estonia. 

How to Plant: Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Plant seed 5mm (¼ inch) deep. Keep moist. When true leaves appear, transplant to a larger container if needed. Transplant outside after the danger of frost has passed/later spring.

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