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Tomato – Cherry Gold


Type: Yellow Tiny Tim-Like Micro-Dwarf. Canada

15 seeds (or more)

Availability: In stock

Cherry Gold is a lovely golden-yellow micro-dwarf tomato that was first offered by Stokes seeds in the 1990s. Our research suggests it was likely developed by the master Canadian tomato breeder Dr Ernie Kerr. In her book, Tomato Favourites, Lois Hole, the late Canadian gardening expert describes Cherry Gold as:

“A version of Tiny Tim with yellow cherry tomatoes; very compact plants good for pots and window boxes; 45 days to maturity”

In the 1995, Garden Seed Inventory Cherry Gold is described as:

“Cherry Gold – 45 days. Golden version of Tiny Tim but better flavoured, compact 6 in x 6 in plants, deep golden-yellow fruits, excellent for windowsill gardens.”

Our original seedstock came from the Seed Savers Exchange (USA); it was donated to the SSE by Dr. Ernie Kerr.

How to Plant: Start seeds indoors 6 weeks before the last frost. Plant seed 5mm (¼ inch) deep. Transplant after the danger of frost has passed/later spring.

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