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Tomato – Hardin’s Miniature


Type: Micro-Dwarf with Plum Shaped Fruit. Early. High Yields. Long Harvest Period.

20 seeds (or more)

Availability: In stock

Hardin’s Miniature is a very productive micro-dwarf tomato. It has unique plum shaped fruit (with a little pip on the end) that helps it stand out in a crowd.

In the garden Hardin’s Miniature will be about 12 inches tall (see last image) and about 6 inches in a container. We have found that it is much more productive in the ground (vs in a container) where it will give you high yields of tomatoes all summer — it was one of the last tomatoes we picked in the fall. If you have a smaller garden space, this would be a great tomato.

Hardin’s Miniature was first introduced to the seed trade by Glecklers seed company in 1957. It even made the front cover of their seed catalog that year (see image).  Here is Glecklers description introducing Hardin’s Miniature:

A plant only four inches tall bearing small red plum-shaped, mild flavored fruit. A novelty and curiosity when grown as potted plants as well as bearing tasty edible fruit. It is believed to be the smallest plant in the world. A very prolific bearer for its size; extremely early maturity. A few flower pots of these among your winter house plants indeed [are] a sight and talking point to your friends

Hardin’s Miniature was developed by amateur plant breeder Mark Hardin of Oklahoma. He is listed in the ‘Directory of Members’ in the inaugural Tomato Genetics Cooperative yearbook (1951) and described his tomato breeding project as, “Breeding for wind, drought, heat, disease resistance and early maturity”. He developed a few other tomatoes (e.g. Angora) and cucumbers and donated many of his varieties to the USDA genebank. Our original seedstock came from the Seed Savers Exchange (USA).

A small note about Hardin’s unique growth pattern – when its leaves are young, they are curled and will ‘unfurl’ or unroll. As the leaves mature, they flatten (as pictured). The rolled leaves give the plant a wispy look, but rest assured this is a hardy and very productive plant!

How to Plant: Start seeds indoors 6 weeks before the last frost. Plant seed 5mm (¼ inch) deep. Transplant after the danger of frost has passed/later spring.

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