This is a classic red longkeepr from Italy. The plant is easy to manage at about 2.5 feet tall. The fruits have thick walls and a mildly sweet taste. The golf ball sized tomatoes (25 g to 35 g) are meant to be picked at the end of the summer and then stored for later use.
We will point out that Da Serbo Toscano didn’t last as long as our other longkeepers. We saved seed from Da Serbo Toscano in December (usually we save seed in January for our longkeepers). The peak time to eat this variety is the fall, up to November.
Our original seed source was a seed saving organization in Italy (Cercatori di Semi).
How to Store: In their classic how-to book, Root Cellaring, food storage experts Mike and Nancy Bubel suggest storing tomatoes at 13 to 18 C (55 to 65 F) to keep them on “hold” for a while. A spot in your basement would do or a colder room in your house. On the other hand, the Bubels also suggest you can store tomatoes at room temperature (15 to 21 C / 60 to 70 F)–on your kitchen counter, for instance, but it will speed up the ripening process a bit. Keep it simple, and do whatever works for you.
How to Plant: Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Plant seed 5mm (¼ inch) deep. Keep moist. When true leaves appear, transplant to a larger container if needed. Transplant outside after the danger of frost has passed/later spring.