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Tomato – Micro Tom


Type: Micro Dwarf Tomato

15 seeds (or more)

Availability: Only 2 left in stock

Mirco Tom is a fun and rewarding tomato to grow.

It stays very small at only 4 to 6 inches but produces a decent amount of tomatoes that taste good. It is also a good looking, ornamental plant. 

Micro Tom would be a great tomato to start with if you have never grown tomatoes from seed before. If you sow the seed in a one gallon pot (you could go a bit smaller, say 6” in diameter, but we wouldn’t recommend anything smaller than that) you will not need to transplant it. This makes it easy to take care of.

We grow Micro Tom in the summer in pots outdoors and over the winter under lights. 

Micro Tom was developed by the University of Florida and released in 1989.

How to Plant: Start seeds indoors 6 weeks before the last frost. Plant seed 5mm (¼ inch) deep. Transplant after the danger of frost has passed/later spring.

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