4 Pack – Children’s Garden


Type: A great garden starter pack for children.

3 Packs x Approx. 100 seeds/pk. + 1 pk. Cucumbers 25 seeds 

Availability: In stock

Gardening allows kids to feel the awe and wonder of planting a seed and seeing it turn into a beautiful plant!

This 4-pack includes easy to grow flowers (Johnny Jumpup & Chamomile) and veggies (Cucumbers & Hailstone radish). The bigger seeds of the cucumbers and radishes allow children to feel and handle the seeds, and then plant them in the soil. How wonderful to let children nurture their own veggies. The smaller flower seeds are easy to sprinkle on the ground.

1) Johnny Jumpup Viola tricolor

How to Plant: Sow/sprinkle seeds directly outdoors in early spring. Cover lightly with soil, keep moist until seedlings are up. Viola does best in a semi-shady spot. 

2) Chamomile Matricaria recutita 

How to Plant: Sow/sprinkle seeds directly outdoors in early spring. Cover lightly with soil, keep moist until seedlings are up. 

3) Cucumber

How to Plant: Sow seeds outdoors. Wait until the weather warms up, which usually means early late May or early June. Sow 2-3 seeds in holes about 1-2 cm deep (½ – 1”), spacing holes about 6” apart (then thin to 1 plant/12”-24” when seedlings are up). Keep soil moist until seedlings emerge. Pick cucumbers frequently to encourage production. 

4) Hailstone Radish

How to Plant: Sow seeds outside just before the last frost date. Radishes do best in cooler weather. Plant seeds 5mm deep (¼”), spacing seeds every 2”. Keep soil moist until seedlings emerge.

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