Brassica – Yellow Heart Pak Choy


Brassica rapa

Type: Cold Hardy Pak Choy

About 200 seeds

Availability: In stock

Excellent tasting, artful leafy green from central China. Beautiful light green outer leaves surround its yellow-chartreuse inner leaves. A magnificent looking plant—and based on looks, you might think it would be hard to grow, but that is not the case at all. This hardy veggie is easy to germinate, easy to grow and ready in about 50-60 days. Yellow Heart is a compact 5 or so inches, which makes it great for small spaces and even containers. 

Winter Gardening: Yellow Heart is famous for being very cold tolerant and ours have survived nights down to -15 °C (5 °F) in our winter garden (under a row cover of fleece and then plastic over top). Rosette Tatsoi and Purple Pak Choy also do well in the cold, but Yellow Heart is the most cold tolerant leafy green we have ever grown. If you have wanted to try winter gardening, this is the leafy green to try. 

A care-free superstar more gardeners need to know about!

Powerhouse Leafy Greens: Cruciferous leafy greens in Family Brassicaceae, such as Yellow Heart, are a nutritional ‘Powerhouse’. Check out our link about ‘Powerhouse Leafy Greens’.

How to Plant: We plant Yellow Heart Pak Choy in the garden in May (for early summer harvests) and then again in late July/early August (for fall harvests). Seed Depth: 5mm or 1/4 inch; Plant Spacing: 8 inches

How to Use: Excellent sweet-salty taste, addictive eaten fresh and when cooked in soup or stir-fry. Use wherever you would use a leafy green. You will wish you had planted more.

Note: In case you are wondering, Bok Choy/Bok Choi and Pak Choy/Pak Choi (and their various spellings) are the same plant. In general, the Bok Choy/Pak Choy are divided into white and green stem cultivars. For instance, Shanghai Green and Purple Pak Choy are green stem cultivars, whereas Canton White and Yellow Heart are white stem cultivars. 

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